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Employer Of Record (EOR)


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How Much Does An Employer Of Record (EOR)
Service Cost?


When it comes to navigating the complex world of business, there’s one thing that always stands out: people. Your employees are the backbone of your company, driving innovation, productivity, and success. But managing them comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to legal and administrative matters.

Jump straight to a key chapter

  1. What Exactly is Employer of Record Service?
  2. How Much Does Employer of Record Service Cost?
  3. What Does Employer of Record Service Cover?
  4. What Influences The EOR Costs?
  5. Employer of Record (EOR) Pricing Models
  6. Explore Empleyo’s Transparent EOR Pricing!
  7. Why Should You Consider Employer of Record Service?
  8. Conclusion

What exactly is employer of record service?

First off, think of Employer of Record as your ultimate HR partner. They handle everything from payroll and taxes to benefits administration and compliance. Essentially, they become the legal employer for your staff, taking on the responsibilities and liabilities associated with employment.

How Much Does Employer of Record Service Cost?

Now, onto the price tag. The cost of EOR services can vary based on factors like company size, industry, and the specific services you require. But here’s the kicker: it’s often more cost-effective than managing these tasks in-house or dealing with the consequences of non-compliance.

Instead of hiring a full HR team, investing in software, and spending countless hours deciphering labor laws, you have a dedicated team of experts handling it all for you. That’s peace of mind you can’t put a price on.

Economic downturns are tough on everyone. Enhancing benefits that provide stability during these times—like better healthcare coverage, financial planning assistance, or even job security guarantees—can be a lifeline for your employees. Such support not only boosts morale but also builds a deep sense of loyalty, as employees will remember how they were treated during challenging periods.

What Does Employer of Record Service Cover?

So, what should you expect in terms of coverage? Think of it as an all-inclusive package deal. From onboarding and offboarding employees to managing benefits enrollment and handling unemployment claims, EOR services cover the full spectrum of HR tasks.

But it doesn’t stop there. With a reputable EOR provider, you also gain access to invaluable expertise and support. Need advice on navigating tricky employment laws in a new market? They’ve got you covered. Facing a dispute with a former employee? They’ll handle it with professionalism and precision.

What Influences The EOR Costs?

Let’s break down what factors influence the cost of this game-changing solution. Brace yourself for a journey into the world of EOR pricing—where transparency meets strategic investment.

1. EOR Setup

First up, the setup fee. EOR providers typically charge a one-time fee to get your new hires on board smoothly. This covers everything from contract creation to onboarding processes and setting up payroll profiles. It’s the foundation of your EOR journey, ensuring a seamless transition into international markets.

2. Refundable Security Deposit

Compliance is key, which is why EOR providers often require a refundable security deposit. This deposit, equivalent to the employee’s notice period pay, safeguards against any unforeseen issues. Rest assured, it’s returned to you once the employment contract ends, provided all dues are settled.

3. Employee’s Salary and Additional Liabilities

Now, let’s talk money. As the employer, you’re responsible for your employees’ salaries and local contributions. These contributions—think social security, unemployment insurance, and retirement funds—vary from country to country. Here’s where EORs like Empleyo shine, offering a streamlined global payroll solution tailored to local laws.

4. Supplementary Employee Benefits

In some countries, mandatory employee benefits are a must. But why stop there? To stay competitive, many companies sweeten the deal with extra perks like meal vouchers or software subscriptions. It’s all about attracting and retaining top talent in a global marketplace.

5. EOR Service Fee

Ah, the service fee—the bread and butter of EORs. Think of it as a SaaS employee management fee, ensuring your operations run smoothly. How it’s charged varies—some opt for a monthly per-employee fee, while others prefer a lump sum. Factor in the candidate’s salary and consult your EOR provider for clarity.

6. Currency Exchange Fees

Last but not least, currency exchange fees. EORs don’t just handle payroll—they navigate currency fluctuations to ensure employees are paid in full, worldwide. It’s all part of the global pay package, ensuring fairness and consistency across borders.

Employer of Record (EOR) Pricing Models


Percentage of the Employee’s CTC

With this EOR pricing model, the employer pays a predetermined percentage of the employee’s salary. This is a godsend for businesses dipping their toes into new markets with cautious budgets. It’s a low-risk, high-reward approach, perfect for testing the waters before diving in headfirst.

But here’s the catch—when your employee headcount and compensation start to climb, so do your costs. Those additional bonuses and commissions? They’ll have you reaching for your wallet faster than you can say “global expansion.” Keep that in mind as you weigh the pros and cons.

Fixed Pricing

Now, let’s talk flat fees. With the fixed pricing model, employers pay a set amount every month, regardless of headcount or employee salary. It’s like having a subscription to seamless global expansion—no surprises, no hidden fees.

This model is a dream come true for businesses with clear-cut hiring goals and aggressive expansion strategies. Need to scale your team at warp speed? No problem. With fixed pricing, you can grow your workforce without breaking the bank.

Explore Empleyo's Transparent EOR Pricing!

Curious to know more about our transparent EOR pricing? Check out the infographic below to understand how our pricing works and what you can expect from our comprehensive employer of record services.
How Much is EOR Services - Employer of Record Pricing

Why Should You Consider Employer of Record Service?

In essence, Employer of Record service isn’t just about ticking boxes—it’s about empowering your business to thrive. By outsourcing your HR needs to a trusted partner, you free up time, resources, and mental bandwidth to focus on what really matters: growing your company and nurturing your most valuable asset—your people.

So, if you’re ready to elevate your HR game and unlock the full potential of your workforce, it’s time to explore the benefits of Employer of Record service. Trust us, your future self—and your bottom line—will thank you for it.


In conclusion, navigating the world of Employer of Record pricing is no small feat, but armed with knowledge, you’re ready to conquer it like a seasoned pro. Whether you opt for the cautious approach of the percentage model, dive headfirst into the fixed pricing model or try our flexible EOR pricing model, one thing is clear: your choice sets the stage for your company’s global expansion journey.

Remember, it’s not just about the numbers—it’s about aligning your pricing strategy with your business goals and values. Choose wisely, and watch as your dreams of international growth become a reality.

So, go forth with confidence, knowing that you’ve armed yourself with the insights needed to make informed decisions. Your journey to global success starts here. Embrace the power of Employer of Record, and let nothing stand in the way of your company’s limitless potential.

Ready to take the next step in your global expansion journey? Contact us today to learn more about how our Employer of Record services can propel your business forward. Your success story starts now.